Picture Day is coming up on Wednesday, August 16! Order before picture day to receive free shipping to the school. Order online at inter-state.com/order and enter order code 79016RF.
about 1 year ago, LCSC
LIS/LJHS Athletic Practice/Try-Out Info
about 1 year ago, LCSC
Here is what the final exam schedule will look like!
over 1 year ago, Wendy Valencia
Parent Meeting
for the 2024 DC Trip
We are having a DC Trip Parent Meeting on
Wednesday, May 3, 2023,
at 6:00 p.m. in the LJHS Cafeteria.
This meeting is for the current LJHS 7th-grade students and parents that are interested in getting more information about the 2024 DC Trip. We will be reviewing the details of the trip and how to register for the 2024 DC Trip. One of the perks of getting registered NOW is that you can set up monthly payments and can have nearly an entire year to pay for the trip. If you can not attend please contact Mrs. Dickson
dicksonk@lcsc.k12.in.us so that arrangements can be made to get the information to you.
Reunión de padres
Para el Viaje a DC 2024
Tendremos una Reunión de padres para el viaje a Washington DC!
Miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2023,
a las 6:00 pm en la Cafetería de LJHS.
Esta reunión es para los estudiantes actuales de 7º grado de LJHS y los padres que estén interesados en obtener más información sobre el viaje a DC 2024. Estaremos revisando los detalles del viaje y cómo registrarse para el viaje DC 2024. Una de las ventajas de registrarse AHORA es que puede configurar pagos mensuales y puede tener casi un año completo para pagar el viaje. Si no puede asistir, comuníquese con la Sra. Dickson
dicksonk@lcsc.k12.in.us para que se puedan hacer arreglos para enviarle la información.
over 1 year ago, Wendy Valencia
Congrats to our Logansport Unified eSport team who are going to the Indiana eSports State Finals.
They will be attending the State Finals along with around 100 other Indiana schools on April 29th at Ball State University. This is the first year Logansport has had the Unified eSports program. All thanks to Ms. Lawson, a special education teacher at LJHS. We could not be prouder of them. Please help us in congratulating them and wishing them luck at the State FInals.
over 1 year ago, Wendy Valencia
Due to current weather conditions, all Logansport Community Schools are on a two- hour delay today Thursday, February 23, 2023. All bus stops will be two hours later than their normal pick up time.
over 1 year ago, LCSC
Interested in working in schools? Check out this information from ESS!
over 1 year ago, Wendy Valencia
Everyone, come watch our LHS Swing Choir perform with Perdue!
over 1 year ago, Wendy Valencia
LCSC band students attended solo and ensemble Saturday at Twin Lakes High School. All band students, grade 6-12, came home with golds! Not a single silver 😁. The following students were from LJHS: Carter Massie- 3 golds
James Hankins-2 golds
Joe Dexter-2 golds
Trio of Greyson Cottrell, Alexa Lopez, and Axel Loran
Trio of Jonathan Knapp, Jack Leeman, Jaxson Zimmerman
Visha Patel-perfect score!
Rylan Ferris
Jack Leeman-2 golds
Scott Shepler
Jacob Lupke
Chris Knapp
Alexa Lopez-2 golds
Khloe Smith
Aubreigh Turnpaugh
Alexandra Romero
Ary Padilla
Arleth Ruiz
Charlie English
Emma Rogers
Alexis Nichols-perfect score!
Braylin Pio- perfect score!
Markitta Bault
Louis Rozzi
Jaxson Zimmerman-2 golds
over 1 year ago, Wendy Valencia
Due to current weather conditions, all Logansport Community Schools are on a two- hour delay today, Friday, January 27, 2023. All bus stops will be two hours later than their normal pick up time.
over 1 year ago, LCSC
Attention Parens!
All 7th grade students received their scheduling paper today during lunch. We request that all students come to their scheduling session with this paper. Counselors will be scheduling with students on Friday February 3rd and Monday February 6th. Please look over the elective powerpoint, course description guide and Scheduling paper with your child so you are aware of the classes being chosen. All these can be found on our website under the LJHS guidance Page. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to one of the counselors.
over 1 year ago, Wendy Valencia
Congrats to our Jr Berries that made the Honor Roll!
over 1 year ago, Wendy Valencia
over 1 year ago, Wendy Valencia
Due to current weather conditions, all LCSC schools will be eLearning for today, January 25, 2023. Students should follow their school's eLearning schedule.
over 1 year ago, LCSC
Math Lab is available during Impact for students who need some help with math. See the schedule below:
7th Grade: Mr. McMinn: M/W/F- During A lunch, T/TH- During B lunch
8th Grade: Mrs. Lopez : M/W/F- During D lunch, T/TH- During C lunch
Don't be shy in asking for help! We are happy to help all students! Please let your Impact teacher know if you wish to visit the math lab.
over 1 year ago, Wendy Valencia
Due to current weather conditions, all Logansport Community Schools are on a two- hour delay today Thursday, January 12, 2023. All bus stops will be two hours later than their normal pick up time.
over 1 year ago, LCSC
NJHS Application Information:
Do you have a GPA of 3.5 or above? Are you involved in your school and community? If you are interested in applying for the LJHS chapter of the National Junior Honor Society, the deadline for application is January 20, 2023. The application will be available starting on Friday, January 6, 2023. It will be accessible to students on INFOHUB, the student forum on Schoology. Students need to complete a multi-step application thoroughly and carefully. Determination for the society's membership will be made by February 1, 2023. An Induction Ceremony for new initiates will be held on Thursday, February 16th. All questions can be directed to NJHS sponsor, Mr. Bault, at
over 1 year ago, Wendy Valencia
Midterms for the 2nd 9 weeks are now available to view through Parent Portal. Should parents have any questions or concerns, we encourage parents to email teachers directly. If you wish to have a hard copy of your child's mid-term grade, please contact the guidance office. LJHS also offers Study Table after school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in the cafeteria until 4pm. LJHS teachers volunteer to run study table sessions. Students may pick up a Study Table sign up form outside the main office, or parents may contact a guidance counselor to sign up their child.
Invitamos a los padres a ver las calificaciones de medio término a través del Portal de Padres. Si los padres tienen alguna pregunta o inquietud, recomendamos a los padres que envíen un correo electrónico a los maestros directamente. Si desea tener una copia impresa de la calificación intermedia de su hijo, comuníquese con la oficina. La escuela también ofrece a los estudiantes una mesa de estudio después de la escuela los martes, miércoles y jueves en la cafetería hasta las 4 pm. Los maestros se ofrecen como voluntarios para realizar sesiones de mesa de estudio. Los estudiantes pueden recoger un formulario de inscripción para la Mesa de Estudio fuera de la oficina principal, o los padres pueden comunicarse con un consejero escolar para inscribir a su hijo.
almost 2 years ago, Wendy Valencia
Breakfast with Santa, registration open now until 12/1/2022
almost 2 years ago, Wendy Valencia
We are excited to announce LJHS had SIX students selected for Middle School All-State choir: Samantha Baker, Markitta Bault, Evie Kitchel, Sophie Montgomery, Ava Pe, and Cooper Prifogle!
Congratulations and keep up the great work!
almost 2 years ago, Wendy Valencia